Book A Session
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I am doing in-person sessions in London once again.
Answer all the questions at the bottom of this page in your email so I can get to know you and plan our session accordingly.
I have been 5x vaccinated, and expect you to have been COVID cautious in the days leading up to our session.
I am still available for sessions online and on the phone via Skype / Whatsapp / Facetime. These sessions can be any mixture of filth, play, conversation, coaching.
All sessions are a minimum of 2h, to get to know one another and play at a sensual pace.
I am also available for BDSM/Poly coaching in-person and online (individuals/couples/groups).
Certain activities will be extra (e.g Kidnaps/HS)
(online & in person)
2 hr
3 hr
4 hr
5 hr
6 hr
12 hr
Dear Mistrix…
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Your email will be eloquently written and will include the following:
♦ Your name
♦ Which city you would like to session in
♦ 3 dates and times when you are available
♦ Your likes/dislikes, if you know
♦ What you would like to get from our session
♦ How you heard about me
What Happens Next
∴ Contact me via the above email address.
∴ After your initial enquiry, I will reply via email and we will agree on a time and date.
∴ You will then send me a deposit to confirm.
∴ I will send a final confirmation email with the details you need to know.
∴ You will be clean and sweet-smelling for your session. You will address me as Mistrix at all times.
∴ You will hand me the tribute in an envelope on arrival, and a gift from my wishlist on this website.
∴ The session itself will begin with a short conversation, including boundaries and health issues.
∴ Timewasters will not be tolerated, I do not want your horny misspelt emails, or complicated correspondence beforehand.
∴ In London, the session will be in a playspace in East London unless we arrange otherwise.
∴ For sessions abroad, you will need to pay the tribute, and all expenses (minimum 2 nights), unless I am touring there.
∴ Please be courteous and inform me of any changes. It takes just one minute to let me know if you no longer want a session.